An appointment roster for the WIC Clinic day or for a Nutrition
Discussion Group may be printed to help staff prepare for Clinic services and/or
update the schedule as clients are checked in. The appointment rosters are in
the HANDS Report section, but they may be accessed from the Scheduling Area's
Navigation Pick List or by clicking on the Reports module located on the black
Top Menu Bar.
- Go to the HANDS Scheduling Area.
- Choose the Appointment Scheduler from the Scheduling
Area drop-down list.
- Open your Scheduling Navigation Pick List by clicking
on the white arrow just above your Appointment Sheet mini calendar.
- Scroll down to the Reports list and choose List of
- In the Report window, choose the Clinic date range you
would like to view.
- Click the View Report button.
- The appointment information will appear.
- You may print or save the Report as desired by clicking
on the save or printer icon.
- Other scheduling Reports may be accessed in the Reports
drop-down list.

6: Figure 22: Appointment Scheduler Drop-down Box

6: Figure 23: Scheduling Reports List of Appointments