Help > Module 1: System Administration > EBT Interface Base Table
EBT Interface Base Table


The EBT Interface Base Tables section is where the user can manage ACH Reason Codes, Account Type Codes, Action Codes, Benefit Activity Exceptions, Benefit Reason Codes, Card Reason Codes, Card Reason Codes Mapping, Card Status Codes, Cardholder Codes, EBA Reason Codes, EBT Systems, File Type Codes, File Types, PIN Activity Codes, Return Codes, Transaction Type Codes Vendor Reason Codes, Vendor Type Codes.  Most base tables have the same procedure for adding, editing and deleting.  This section will have one example of each function with the exception of a few Special Base tables which are outlined individually below.


Access the appropriate page from the System Admin home page by clicking on the link in the EBT Interface Base Table section.




Add a Record



1.  Select a link from the EBT Interface Base Tables section. The page displays.


2.  Click the Add button at the top of the page. The Add page displays.



3.  Enter all required information and any additional information to complete the page.


4.  To discard information and start over, click the Cancel button.


5.  To keep changes, click the OK button and the Add window will close.


6.  To discard changes, click the Reset button at the bottom of the page.


7.  To keep changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.




Edit a Record


1.  Click the edit icon for the record you would like to view/edit. The Edit page displays.



2.  Make changes to the appropriate fields.


3.  To discard changes, click the Cancel button.


4.  To keep changes, click the OK button and the Edit window will close.


5.  To discard changes, click the Reset button at the bottom of the page.


6.  To keep changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.