1. Select the Scheduling menu.
2. Select Clinic Scheduler Setup.
3. Under Calendar Setup Options, in the Start Date field, enter the date on which you want this calendar to begin.
4. In the End Date field, enter the date on which you want this calendar to end.
5. Select the days of the week for which you are setting up this calendar.
6. Check the Overwrite Clinic Closed check box if you want the system to keep appointments scheduled even on days that the clinic is closed.
7. In the Clinic Selection section, select the appropriate clinic.
8. Under Build Options, in the Group Nutrition Discussion Template field, select one of the Group Nutrition Discussion Templates you created earlier.
9. Click Apply.
10. Repeat steps 1 through 9 to apply other Group Nutrition Discussion templates.
WIC Appointments and Nutrition Discussion Groups are now available for scheduling clients.